Successfully revealing cases related to women and children, twelve Bangli police members were awarded awards from the TRC Bali Police, - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Successfully revealing cases related to women and children, twelve Bangli police members were awarded awards from the TRC Bali Police,

Monday, August 12, 2024

Police Twelve members of the Bangli police were awarded awards from the Rapid Reaction Team (TRC) for the protection of women and children for law enforcement and the successful disclosure of women's cases of murder with a quick response, Monday (12/8). Piangam award from the Rapid Reaction Team for the protection of women and children signed directly by the TRC National Coordinator Jeny Claudya Lumowa was received directly by Deputy Bangli Police Commissioner M. Akbar Eka Putra Samosir and eleven other personnel. The awarding of the award charter was carried out at the Apple Mapolres Bangli field during the implementation of the apple jam of the leadership and witnessed by all members of the Bangli police, twelve members who received the award charter include
 1. Bangli police chief AKBP I Gede Putra, S.H.,S.I.K.,M.H., 2. Bangli Police Deputy Commissioner M. Akbar Eka Putra Samosir, S.H.,S.I.K.,M.H., 3. It is a member of the AKP, Gusti Ngurah Jaya Winangun, S.H.,M.H., 4. The Lord Of The Flies, S.H., 5. IPDA Agus Fajar Gumelar, S. Tr. K 6. Aiptu Tarsono 7. Bripka Ahmad Roni 8. Brigadier Dewa Ayu Kartika Diah Astry Pratama, S.H. 9. Brigadier Kadek Ayu Wijayanti 10. The Lord Of The Rings Primary 11. The Name Of The Company Is Trista Adi Wiguna, S.H. 12. It's Because Of You, S.H.

 In His Speech Wakapolres Bangli Kompol M. Akbar Eka Putra Samosir said the charter given was a form of support from the women and Children Protection Rapid Reaction Team at the Bangli police, especially in handling women and children cases "The award given is our motivation to continue to improve professionalism and proportionality in law enforcement, especially those concerning women and children,”he said. Furthermore, the Deputy Police Chief emphasized that he would collaborate with related agencies to overcome cases of violence against women and children so that they could be handled quickly.

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