Bupati Ruksamin Shares Strategies for Improving Education Quality in Sultra at FKIP UHO Seminar. - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Bupati Ruksamin Shares Strategies for Improving Education Quality in Sultra at FKIP UHO Seminar.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

WORLD.WARTAGLOBAL.id - Bupati Buton, Ruksamin, was invited as a keynote speaker at a seminar organized by the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) at the University of Halu Oleo (UHO). The seminar aimed to discuss strategies to improve the quality of education in Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) and was attended by academics, education practitioners, and students.

In his presentation, Bupati Ruksamin emphasized the importance of improving the quality of education in Sultra, especially in rural and remote areas. He highlighted several strategies that his administration had implemented to address the challenges faced by schools in the region.

One of the key strategies was to provide incentives for teachers who are willing to work in remote areas. Bupati Ruksamin said that the incentives were not only in the form of financial benefits but also included facilities such as housing, transportation, and healthcare.

Another strategy that Bupati Ruksamin discussed was the use of technology to improve the quality of education. He cited the example of the use of the internet to provide access to educational resources and remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Furthermore, Bupati Ruksamin also emphasized the importance of involving the community in improving the quality of education. He urged parents, community leaders, and local governments to work together to create a conducive environment for learning and to support the development of education in their respective regions.

In his closing remarks, Bupati Ruksamin expressed his appreciation to the organizers of the seminar and hoped that the discussion would contribute to the efforts to improve the quality of education in Sultra.

The seminar organized by BEM FKIP UHO provided a valuable opportunity for stakeholders in the education sector to share ideas and strategies to improve the quality of education in Sultra. Bupati Ruksamin's presentation highlighted the importance of involving various stakeholders and implementing innovative solutions to address the challenges faced by schools in the region. (World*/)

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