Iranian President Seeks Support from Turkey in Response to Israeli Attacks on Palestine. - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Iranian President Seeks Support from Turkey in Response to Israeli Attacks on Palestine.

Sunday, April 9, 2023 - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has spoken with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to discuss the latest Israeli attacks on Palestine, just days after speaking with Indonesian President Joko Widodo about the same issue.

During the phone call with Erdogan, Rouhani condemned Israel's actions and sought support from Turkey in responding to the conflict. He also emphasized that Iran will continue to stand by Palestine and fight for their rights.

Erdogan, as the country with the world's largest Muslim population, has long been a strong supporter of Palestine and has condemned Israeli attacks. In his call with Rouhani, Erdogan showed his support for Palestine and called for a peaceful solution to the conflict.

Israeli attacks on Palestine have escalated in recent months, particularly after the controversial decision to place more Jewish settlers in Palestinian territory. This conflict has increased tensions in the Middle East and raised concerns around the world.

The call between Rouhani and Erdogan shows that Iran and Turkey continue to maintain close relations and are united in opposing Israeli actions against Palestine. It also shows that Iran continues to seek cooperation with other countries in addressing regional and global issues.

Although the conflict in Palestine continues, it is hoped that this call can bring hope and solutions for a better future for the people of Palestine and the surrounding region. Hopefully, countries in the Middle East can work together to resolve the conflict peacefully and bring stability and peace to the region. (World*/)

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