Mahfud Md Affirms Constitutional Right to Criticize: TikToker Bima's Case Sparks Public Debate. - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Mahfud Md Affirms Constitutional Right to Criticize: TikToker Bima's Case Sparks Public Debate.

Saturday, April 15, 2023 - Recently, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, Mahfud Md, made a statement regarding the case of criticism from a TikToker named Bima against Lampung. According to Mahfud Md, as an Indonesian citizen, Bima has a constitutional right to express criticism.

Bima, who is a TikToker, criticized the Lampung regional government on his social media account. The criticism was related to poor public services, such as bad road conditions and a lot of garbage in the area.

However, the criticism received a backlash from some parties who felt offended and considered Bima's criticism unfounded. Some parties even threatened to take legal action against Bima.

In response, Mahfud Md emphasized that Bima has a constitutional right to express criticism. This right is stipulated in Article 28E Paragraph (3) and Article 28F of the 1945 Constitution regarding human rights.

As a democratic country, Indonesia has a principle of freedom of opinion and speech guaranteed by the Constitution. Therefore, every citizen has the right to express their opinions and criticisms, as long as they do not violate the law and do not harm others.

Mahfud Md also emphasized the importance of open dialogue and discussion as a means to reach agreement in improving public services. Thus, the criticism conveyed can become an evaluation material for the government to improve performance and better public services.

This case serves as a warning to the public not to intimidate or limit the constitutional rights of citizens, especially in terms of expressing opinions and criticisms. As a democratic country, freedom of opinion and speech is a fundamental right that must be maintained and respected. (World*./)

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