Muhammadiyah Mobilizes Masses to Watch 'Buya Hamka' Film, Inspiring Nationalism Among Indonesians. - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Muhammadiyah Mobilizes Masses to Watch 'Buya Hamka' Film, Inspiring Nationalism Among Indonesians.

Sunday, April 9, 2023 - The film "Buya Hamka," which tells the life story and struggle of one of Indonesia's prominent figures, KH Ahmad Dahlan, has been released in cinemas nationwide. The film is expected to inspire and instill a sense of nationalism among the Indonesian people, especially the younger generation.

Muhammadiyah, one of Indonesia's largest Islamic organizations, welcomes the presence of the film "Buya Hamka" and is ready to mobilize its members to watch the film. According to the Chairman of the Central Executive of Muhammadiyah, Haedar Nashir, the film can provide inspiration and motivation for the younger generation to continue to strive and create for the progress of the nation.

Muhammadiyah has also coordinated with various parties to organize a film screening event for "Buya Hamka". The event will involve members and sympathizers of Muhammadiyah from various regions in Indonesia. With this event, it is hoped that more people will be interested in watching "Buya Hamka" and gaining positive values from the life story of KH Ahmad Dahlan.

"Buya Hamka" is directed by Hanung Bramantyo and stars Vino G. Bastian as KH Ahmad Dahlan. In addition, the film also features several renowned actors and actresses in Indonesia such as Christine Hakim, Maudy Koesnaedi, and Lukman Sardi.

It is hoped that "Buya Hamka" will become one of Indonesia's successful films this year and make a positive contribution to the development of the Indonesian film industry, as well as increasing the sense of nationalism and fighting spirit among the Indonesian people. (World*/)

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