Truck Congestion at Merak Port Ahead of New Crossing Ban: What's Next? - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Truck Congestion at Merak Port Ahead of New Crossing Ban: What's Next?

Thursday, April 13, 2023 - Create an article about the news: Ahead of the Ban on Crossing, Trucks Start Crowding the Merak Port

The Merak Port, located in the province of Banten, Indonesia, has been the center of attention in recent days, due to an increase in the volume of vehicles entering the port. This is happening ahead of a new rule that will prohibit heavy vehicles from crossing to the island of Java via sea routes.

The new rule was announced by the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation on April 15, 2023, and will take effect on May 1, 2023. The rule specifies that vehicles weighing more than 4 tons will be prohibited from crossing to the island of Java via sea routes and must use the land route through the Suramadu Bridge or other alternative land routes.

This rule has been welcomed by the public as an important step in reducing congestion at the Merak Port and improving the condition of the surrounding roads. However, its implementation also raises concerns, especially for business owners who rely on sea transportation to send goods to Java.

As a result, some business owners have decided to send their goods before the rule takes effect, resulting in an increase in the volume of vehicles entering the Merak Port. With this situation, trucks have started to crowd the Merak Port, causing longer waiting times for crossing.

In response to this situation, the Head of the Banten Province Transportation Agency, Rudi Sembiring, said that his office has prepared measures to address congestion at the Merak Port. One of the steps taken is to increase the number of personnel working at the Merak Port, so that the crossing process can be done more quickly.

In addition, the agency also plans to improve the condition of the roads around the Merak Port and strengthen land transportation infrastructure, such as alternative routes and cargo terminals, so that business owners can use land transportation as an alternative.

In the coming weeks, business owners and the surrounding community will continue to monitor the situation at the Merak Port. However, with the steps taken by the relevant parties, it is hoped that congestion can be reduced and transportation can be maintained smoothly at the Merak Port. (World*/)

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