A Plethora of Achievements Attained by Commissioner General Pol Putu Jayan Danu Putra, S.H., M.Si., Since Leading Bali Regional Police. - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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A Plethora of Achievements Attained by Commissioner General Pol Putu Jayan Danu Putra, S.H., M.Si., Since Leading Bali Regional Police.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

WORLD.WARTAGLOBAL.id - During an interview in his office, the Head of Public Relations of Bali Regional Police, Commissioner Police Satake Bayu, S.I.K., M.Si., expressed unequivocal recognition of the performance of Commissioner General Pol Putu Jayan Danu Putra, S.H., M.Si., since assuming the position of Chief of Bali Regional Police in November 2020. He is regarded as one of Bali's finest sons, having achieved numerous accomplishments. On Tuesday (27/6/2023), it was observed that the security situation (Kamtibmas) remained stable, with no notable incidents occurring within the jurisdiction of Bali Regional Police.

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, Commissioner General Pol Putu Jayan Danu Putra, S.H., M.Si., has worked tirelessly with all personnel of Bali Regional Police, in collaboration with Kodam IX/Udayana and the Bali Provincial Government. Their efforts in handling the Covid-19 situation have been acknowledged by the Strategic Studies Institute of the Indonesian Police (LEMKAPI), which awarded them the prestigious Presisi Award for their swift and responsive handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. Additionally, Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI), Ahmad Sahroni, has also expressed appreciation for their efforts in managing the Covid-19 situation.

Bali Regional Police has achieved the title of "Best Regional Police in Indonesia" in the Kompolnas Awards 2022, presented by the National Police Commission (Kompolnas). Commissioner General Pol Putu Jayan Danu Putra, S.H., M.Si., received the "Best Chief of Police" award in the Kompolnas Awards 2022, bestowed by the Chairman of Kompolnas/Minister of Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD. In the same period, he was also honored with the Bali Broadcasting Award (APB) 2022 in the category of "Innovative Leadership Figure" for providing information and broadcasting related to security in the Bali Province.

Commissioner General Putu Jayan has successfully solved various cases, including the arrest of Interpol fugitives, online gambling cases, human trafficking, drug-related cases, and addressing issues caused by foreigners in Bali. He also played a significant role in uncovering an illegal abortion practice carried out by an individual with the initials KAW (53) some time ago. Bali Regional Police received an award from the National Commission for Child Protection (KPAI), which was presented by the Chairman of KPAI, Arist Merdeka Sirait, on May 29, 2023.

Under the leadership of Commissioner General Pol Putu Jayan Danu Putra, Bali Regional Police has successfully secured numerous high-level international conferences held in Bali, including the successful hosting of the G20 Summit in 2022. The Bali Regional Police received appreciation and recognition from all participating countries and various entities, including the Indonesian Press Council.

There are still many achievements that Commissioner General Putu Jayan has attained since leading Bali Regional Police. As of June 21, 2023, Bali Regional Police has been honored with the prestigious Kompolnas Award, being nominated as one of the "Top 5 Best Type A Regional Police in Kompolnas Award 2023," as stated by the Head of Public Relations.

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