Bali Regional Police Conducts Operation Nusa Agung-2023 to Anticipate Violations by Foreign Nationals. - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Bali Regional Police Conducts Operation Nusa Agung-2023 to Anticipate Violations by Foreign Nationals.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023 - The misconduct of foreign nationals (FNs) in Bali has been on the rise and has attracted attention, particularly due to several of their behaviors going viral on social media.

Therefore, the Bali Regional Police have initiated a police operation codenamed Operation Nusa Agung-2023, aimed at implementing law enforcement measures to anticipate violations/crimes committed by FNs in order to achieve a safe and conducive security situation.

Operation Nusa Agung-2023 will be conducted for 16 days, starting from June 21 to July 6, 2023, within the jurisdiction of the Bali Regional Police. The operation's objective is to carry out discipline, regulation, and enforcement actions against FNs.

During this operation, the police will deploy a combined force consisting of 200 members from the Bali Regional Police and 326 members from the district police and sub-district police, along with participation from relevant institutions such as the government and immigration authorities.

Acting as the commander of the troop readiness assembly today, Wednesday, June 21, 2023, Deputy Chief of the Bali Regional Police, Brigadier General Pol. Drs. I Ketut Suardana, M.Si., emphasized that in order to anticipate violations committed by foreign nationals (FNs), the local government has issued a circular regarding the rules that must be followed by FNs.

"To anticipate violations by FNs, the Governor of Bali has issued a circular regarding what is allowed and not allowed for foreign nationals during their stay in Bali," he said.

"Therefore, to support this policy, we must enhance supervision and regulation of the behavior of FNs, especially within the jurisdiction of the Bali Regional Police," Deputy Chief of the Bali Regional Police emphasized.

Deputy Chief of the Bali Regional Police added that to support the success of this operation, the Bali Regional Police has established a Special Task Force (Satgas Gakkum) to carry out enforcement and criminal proceedings against FNs involved in criminal activities while maintaining cooperation and coordination with relevant institutions.

"I hope that the local government and relevant institutions can synergize in supporting the implementation of this operation, and through this operation, we hope to raise awareness among FNs to refrain from committing violations," Deputy Chief of the Bali Regional Police added.

The Indonesian National Police also urges the public not to facilitate any misbehavior by FNs during their stay in Bali that contradicts visa permits or legal regulations.

If FNs continue to engage in misbehavior in Bali, the individuals in question will be deported to their home countries by authorized parties.

"We hope that FNs will always abide by the existing rules and behave appropriately. We also kindly request all citizens to help remind and admonish FNs against engaging in prohibited actions. If any inappropriate behavior is observed, please report it promptly to the authorities," Deputy Chief of the Bali Regional Police concluded.

Deputy Chief of the Bali Regional Police also encourages the public to support the economic and tourism growth in Bali while jointly maintaining law and order in Bali. (Red)

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