Polda Bali Nominated for "Kompolnas Awards" 2023 with Strict Visitation Guidelines. - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Polda Bali Nominated for "Kompolnas Awards" 2023 with Strict Visitation Guidelines.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

WORLD.WARTAGLOBAL.id - Denpasar, June 22, 2023 - The Bali Regional Police (Polda Bali) has successfully been nominated for the "Kompolnas Awards" 2023. The visitation to be conducted in this competition will focus on several important aspects related to the performance and transformation of Polda Bali in various fields, such as handling public complaints, internal supervision, public service, and the performance of Regional Units (Satwil).

One key point in this visitation is the assessment of the ratio of resolving Community Decision Letters (SKM) submitted through Kompolnas. This aspect will evaluate the response to public complaints submitted through Kompolnas, where positive responses and high-resolution initiatives will earn extra points. Additionally, any complaints regarding the relationship with Kompolnas will be examined as an indicator of the seriousness in responding to public complaints through Kompolnas.

The visitation will also examine the index of supervisory transformation in Polda Bali. Some aspects to be assessed include internal supervision activities towards personnel, the use of Dumas Presisi, Propam Presisi, and E-wassidik. Furthermore, the visitation team will check the services for public complaints within the internal structure of Polda and review the activities and follow-up actions in public communication, such as the "Jumat Curhat" (Friday Confession) program.

The aspect of public service transformation is also a focus of this visitation. The visitation team will evaluate the transparency of Satwil in public service, including service forms, fees, and service durations. The activities of the Chief of Police (Kapolda) and high-ranking officers (PJU) in overseeing all forms of public service will also be examined. Moreover, efforts to eliminate the culture of illegal levies (pungli), gratification, and transactional practices in public service will be considered.

The performance of Satwil will be the main focus of this visitation. This aspect covers the performance in maintaining security, law enforcement, and public service. In terms of security maintenance, the visitation will examine the achievement of early detection and warning through investigative, security, and outreach operations. Measures to enhance operational performance in the functions of Binmas, Intel, and Samapta will also be assessed. Additionally, the achievement of ensuring security, safety, order, and smooth traffic by the Police Resort (Polres) will be a point of consideration. Furthermore, the overall policies implemented to build inter-departmental and international law enforcement synergy and partnerships with community components will be examined. The visitation will also monitor the public's perception of the community's attitude towards the police in relation to creating security and a sense of safety.

Law enforcement will also be a focal point of the visitation. The visitation team will evaluate the achievement of developing a community-based police that promotes law-abiding behavior. The performance in law enforcement will be examined to determine whether there is a noticeable level of professionalism, proportionality, transparency, and accountability in order to ensure legal certainty and a sense of justice. Supervision of law enforcement performance in accordance with the Police Regulations (Perkap) and adherence to Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), as well as solutions to address any challenges, will also be considered. Additionally, any criticism of police performance in law enforcement, whether through public complaints or the mass media, will be examined. The response to such criticism will also be taken into account.

Public service is the final aspect to be assessed in this visitation. The visitation will evaluate the achievement of providing excellent services in terms of police service. General policies aimed at enhancing excellent service provision will be considered, and the positive response from the public to the police's.

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