Preserve the Homeland with Trees: Central Java Police Chief Conducts Planting of Thousands of Trees in Gunungpati Semarang Water Catchment Area - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Preserve the Homeland with Trees: Central Java Police Chief Conducts Planting of Thousands of Trees in Gunungpati Semarang Water Catchment Area

Friday, August 25, 2023

SEMARANG, August 23, 2023 - In an effort to create a better environment and prevent climate change, the Central Java Police Chief, Inspector General Pol Ahmad Luthfi, launched a tree planting activity located around the Jatibarang Reservoir in the Gunungpati Subdistrict of Semarang. This tree planting event, themed "Preserve the Homeland: Greening from Early Days," involves various parties, including the Central Java Fokompimda (Regional Leadership Communication Forum).

Beyond being an ecological endeavor, this activity also holds significant social impact. Thousands of trees, including hardwood trees like Trembesi, Mahogany, and Banyan, are planted to respond to the distinct characteristics of the region. The Central Java Police Chief emphasized that as part of this series, the Central Java Regional Police will plant nearly 40,000 trees.

The chosen planting location, in the Gunungpati area, holds strategic purpose. The Police Chief explained that planting trees around the reservoir serves several crucial purposes. "Aside from maintaining the availability of clean water in the Semarang and surrounding areas, this also addresses flooding in the western canal during the rainy season," stated the Central Java Police Chief.

In addition to tree planting, the Police Chief also highlights various preemptive and preventive measures to face the ongoing dry season. Two significant aspects addressed are fire management and the distribution of clean water. "We've mapped out the respective police precincts and planned readiness measures in dealing with the dry season, including the supply of clean water," added Inspector General Pol Ahmad Luthfi.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of Central Java Province, Sumarno, revealed anticipatory steps taken to face the dry and drought conditions expected to persist until September. Coordination with various agencies such as the National Logistics Agency (Bulog), the Public Works Department, and the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) has been carried out to ensure food availability and the supply of clean water to affected areas.

This tree planting activity and the anticipatory measures are part of the commitment of the Central Java Police Chief to preserve the environment and support the sustainability of life in the future.

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