Madame Trisya Suherman The Woman Is World Peace Ambasador(WWPA) Went To The Acting Governor Of Bali - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Madame Trisya Suherman The Woman Is World Peace Ambasador(WWPA) Went To The Acting Governor Of Bali

Sunday, June 2, 2024
The Woman's World Peace Ambassador (WWPA) having Courtesy Visit and to the Governance of Bali Province on June 3, 2024 this morning . HE. Madame Trisya Suherman and her entourages were officially received and warmly welcomed according to protocol by local officials. 
On this visit HE. Mrs. Trisya delivered a Peace message from the President of the World Peace Organization Dr. Bambang Herry Purnomo SH MH and also a presentation about the WPO as a moral movement and the functions as well as the goals of Women's World Peace Ambassadors.

Besides that, HE. Madame. Trisya also introduced the SORGHUM to be disseminated to the community and farmer groups in Bali as government support for food security in the agricultural sector. 

It was also explained that this program is WPO's contribution in the form of guidance and education to the farming communities to become Smart and Independent farmers in order to improve the welfare of the people of Bali in general, Indonesia in particular, and more broadly globally. .

Apart from that, WWPA also highlights maternal and child health, labor-intensive industries, MSMEs and tourism.

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