120 Th TMMD TA. 2024 Kodim 1626/Bangli Is Officially Closed By Danrem 163/WSA - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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120 Th TMMD TA. 2024 Kodim 1626/Bangli Is Officially Closed By Danrem 163/WSA

Friday, June 7, 2024

Bangli WartaGlobalWorld.id
Danrem 163/Wira Satya Brigadier General TNI Ida Bagus Ketut Surya Wedana as Irup (Ceremonial Inspector) officially led the closing ceremony of the 120th TA TMMD. 2024 Kodim 1626/Bangli with the theme "TMMD Darma Bakti Realizing Accelerated Development in the Region", at the Susut Field Jln. Yudha's son Br. Tanggahan Peken, Sulahan Village, District. Shrinking, Kab. Bangli, on Friday 7 June 2024.

TNI Manunggal Developing Villages (TMMD) is a form of togetherness and mutual cooperation between the TNI and the community which can generate and encourage the acceleration of government programs in an effort to improve the welfare and economic empowerment of rural communities.
In the message from Pangdam IX/Udayana, which was read by the Inspector of Ceremonies, we offer our thanks to the presence of Almighty God, because because of His abundance of mercy and grace, we have been given health and strength, so that we can carry out the Closing Ceremony of the 120th TMMD FY 2024 in Kodam IX/Udayana area, at the 120th TMMD FY. 2024, Kodam IX/Udayana ranks, have completed 15 physical targets, by 4 TMMD Task Forces, spread across the District. Kupang, Rote Ndao, Dompu and Kab. Bangli. The physical targets being worked on include building road facilities, repairing irrigation facilities, rehabilitating places of worship, rehabilitating uninhabitable houses, constructing drilled wells, and building other public facilities, in accordance with the needs of the community in the area. Apart from implementing physical targets, no less important is the implementation of non-physical target activities, in the form of counseling and dissemination of knowledge, including material on National Defense, National Resilience, Community Security, the dangers of drugs, radicalism, Posyandu, Posbindu, health family planning, and various other materials, in in order to build and improve community human resources, he said.
"At the 120th TMMD activity for FY 2024, each TMMD Task Force is also required to implement Kasad's flagship program, in the form of TNI Manunggal Air, handling stunting, food security and preserving nature, all of which aim to support government programs. For the implementation of this TMMD, I, Pangdam IX/Udayana, as Operational Activities Controller, would like to express my deepest thanks and appreciation to the Regency/City Regional Government, which has budgeted the APBD, to support the 120th TMMD program for FY 2024. Acknowledgment I also convey my thanks to all TNI and Polri soldiers, along with all components of society, who have synergized, worked together and worked hand in hand, so that TMMD activities can be carried out safely, orderly, smoothly and on time, for 30 days, according to the target that had been planned," he said.

Furthermore, the TMMD results will be handed over to the local regional government, to be used and maintained together, so that the benefits can be felt in the long term, and sustainably. To the TMMD Task Force, immediately carry out a comprehensive consolidation. Evaluation of the implementation of TMMD this time, as material for improvement in future TMMD. Immediately return to your respective units, and pay attention to safety factors during the trip. The message.

Closing of the 120th FY TMMD. 2024 Kodim 1626/Bangli was marked by the beating of the "Gong", the signing of the Minutes of Handover (BAST) and the handing over of the results of the implementation of the 120th TMMD activities for FY 2024 Kodim 1626/Bangli by Dandim 1626/Bangli as Dansatgas to the Deputy Regent of Bangli.

Present at the activity were the Regent of Bangli (Sang Nyoman Sedana Arta, SE), Deputy Regent of Bangli (I Wayan Diar, S.ST., Par), Representative of Rindam IX/Udayana (Major Inf. Anak Agung), Kasiren Korem 163/WSA ( Lt. Col. Czi Zamroni, Sos., M.Sc.), Kabalak of Kodam IX/Udayana, Head of Kasrem 163/Wira Satya, Dandim 1626/Bangli as Dansatgas TMMD 120 TA. 2014 (Lt. Col. Kav I Ketut Artha Negara, S.H., M.I.P.), the Bangli Police Chief was represented by the Head of Operations of the Bangli Police (Kompol I Dewa Gde Oka, S.Sos., S.H., M.H.,), the Bangli District Prosecutor's Office was represented by the Head of Intelligence Section of the Bangli District Prosecutor's Office (I Nengah Gunarta, SH), Head of Class IIB Bangli Detention Center, represented by KP Rutan (Dewa Asmara), Head of Class IIA Bangli Prison, represented by Head of Work Activities Section (Nym Budianta), Para Dandim Korem 163/Wira Satya, Representative Danyonif Raider 900 /SBW, Danyonif 741/GN, Wadan Yonzipur 18/YKR, Dandenkav 4/SP, Heads of OPD District Government. Bangli, Kakan Minvetcad IX/26 Bangli (Major Czi Jaka Suarta), Head of Susut District (Dewa Putu Apriyanta, S.STP., M.Si), Mrs. Head of Persit Kartika Candra Kirana Koorcab Rem 163 PD IX/Udayana (Mrs. Dayu Ida Bagus Surya), Mrs. Manager of Persit Kartika Chandra Kirana Koorcab Rem 163 PD IX/Udayana, Mrs. Chairperson and Manager of Persit Kartika Candra Kirana Cab XXXIX Kodim 1626/Bangli Koorcab Rem 163/Wira Satya, Chancellor of UHN I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa, Bangli Campus, BPN Bangli Regency, PLN Persero Rayon Bangli, Bank BRI Bangli Branch, Bank Mandiri Bangli Branch, Bank BNI Bangli Branch, Bank Woori Saudara Denpasar Branch.

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