Opening IAPF in Bali, Puan Mentions RI-Africa Have a Long History Since the Asian-African Conference in the Era of President Sukarno - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Opening IAPF in Bali, Puan Mentions RI-Africa Have a Long History Since the Asian-African Conference in the Era of President Sukarno

Saturday, August 31, 2024
Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives Puan Maharani opened the Indonesia-Africa Parliamentary Forum (IAPF) event held in Bali. In the Indonesian parliamentary forum with African countries, she also mentioned the long history of Indonesia-Africa that has been established since the Asian-African Conference (AAC) in Bandung in 1955 during the leadership of President Sukarno.

"Thank you for the presence of the Leaders and Members of Parliament from African countries at the Indonesia-Africa Parliamentary Forum," said Puan at the beginning of her speech, Sunday (1/9/2024).

The IAPF series was held from 31 August to 2 September 2024 in Bali where the opening of the event this morning took place at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Nusa Dua. In addition to Indonesia, this event was attended by parliamentary delegations from 20 countries in Africa, some of which were led directly by their parliamentary chairmen.

Some of the African countries present included Algeria, Angola, Benin, Burundi, Djibouti, Eswatini, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, Tanzania, Tunisia, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Libya, Mozambique, Somalia, and South Africa.

Through the IAPF, Puan said that Indonesia and African countries were starting a new chapter and page. She then touched on the implementation of the Asian-African Conference in which Indonesia was one of the pioneering countries.

"In 1955, 69 years ago, the Asian-African Conference (AAC) has become a historical milestone to foster brotherhood and solidarity among nations in Asia and Africa," she said.

The AAC, which was opened by the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Sukarno, was a conference between Asian and African countries, most of which had just gained independence. The meeting took place at Gedung Merdeka, Bandung, with the aim of promoting economic and cultural cooperation between Asia and Africa and fighting colonialism or neocolonialism.

"Solidarity at that time was to fight for the independence of countries in Asia and Africa," Puan emphasized.

Unlike when the AAC was held, Puan said the current conditions were different.

"If in 1955, the Government played a dominant role in encouraging Asia-Africa cooperation, now, in 2024, Parliament is an important factor in encouraging cooperation between the two continents," explained Bung Karno's granddaughter.

"If in 1955, important decisions were taken by the government, now the Government needs to consult with Parliament to carry out international cooperation," continued Puan.

According to the first woman to serve as Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, building partnerships between Parliaments means expanding relations between Africa and Indonesia to be more inclusive. Not only that, Puan assessed that there was an increase in relations between Indonesia and Africa by building partnerships between parliaments.

"This also means that we reach relations between wider communities, because Parliament is the representative of the people," said Puan.

She added that Parliament can encourage and synergize with the Government in strengthening international cooperation. Especially, said Puan, between developing countries.
"To expand the partnership between Africa and Indonesia, we need to appreciate the differences between us, and find common ground," she said.

Puan then reminded what President Sukarno said in his speech at the Asian-African Conference entitled "Unity in Diversity Asia-Africa". According to her, what Bung Karno said is still relevant today.

"That diversity in culture, social, and nationality is not a dividing factor, but something that unites us," said Puan quoting Sukarno.

Furthermore, Puan gave a number of questions to the delegates regarding the IAPF: how does the IAPF contribute to improving relations between African countries and Indonesia? How can the IAPF be beneficial for the people we represent? And how can the IAPF respond to the challenges of global dynamics and contribute to peace and shared prosperity?

"We will answer these relevant questions through the dialogue and discussion that we are conducting today, bilateral meetings, and field visits tomorrow," explained Puan.

As the host, the DPR raised the theme 'Strengthening the Indonesia-Africa Parliamentary Partnership for Development' at the IAPF meeting.

The Indonesia-Africa Parliamentary Forum itself will consist of three discussion sessions that discuss important issues including south-south cooperation for prosperity and sustainable development, building resilient communities through health and food security initiatives, and utilizing trade and investment potential for inclusive economic growth.

Puan also emphasized the importance of the Indonesia-Africa parliaments mapping out future cooperation for areas of common interest. Moreover, Africa already has Agenda 2063: The Africa we Want.

"This agenda is a blueprint for transforming Africa into a major world power in the future. Indonesia conveyed its readiness to become Africa's partner, with po
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