Completed Construction: Nyak Lambot and Family Can Now Move Into Their New Home - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Completed Construction: Nyak Lambot and Family Can Now Move Into Their New Home

Friday, August 30, 2024
The simple aid house for the family of M. Hasyem, also known as Tgk Hasyem, located in the Gampong Ladong area, Mesjid Raya District, Aceh Besar, has been completed on Friday, August 30, 2024.

As previously known, Tgk Hasyem was a prominent religious figure in Ladong. His contributions to the community, particularly in religious education, were significant.

The construction of the Type 36 house on the site of the former Tgk Hasyem’s Islamic study center was made possible through the collaboration between the Aceh Regional Police, Banda Aceh Police, and the Aceh Housing and Settlement Agency.

The Aceh Regional Police Chief, Inspector General Achmad Kartiko, inaugurated the house and handed over the house keys to Tgk Hasyem's family, which were received by his beloved wife, Nyak Lambot.

During the occasion, the Regional Police Chief was accompanied by the Acting Regent of Aceh Besar, M. Iswanto, the Chief of Banda Aceh Police, Commissioner Fahmi Irwan Ramli, and other officials.

Achmad Kartiko stated that the construction of the house for Tgk Hasyem’s family was part of the series of events commemorating the 78th Anniversary of Bhayangkara Day, celebrated on July 1, 2024.

In addition to building a house for Tgk Hasyem, the Aceh Regional Police and its ranks also organized various other activities, such as distributing basic food supplies to the less fortunate and constructing public sanitation facilities.

"May this house become a safe, comfortable, and beneficial place that brings a renewed spirit for the family to continue a better life," he said.

The Aceh Regional Police Chief also expressed his condolences for the passing of Tgk Hasyem on June 24, 2024. According to him, Tgk Hasyem was an important and valuable figure for the community.

"He imparted tremendous knowledge to the children here through the Islamic study center he established. May his good deeds be accepted by Allah SWT," he said.

Meanwhile, Acting Regent Iswanto also expressed his gratitude to the Aceh Regional Police and Banda Aceh Police for helping to build a house for Tgk Hasyem’s family.

"On behalf of myself, the family, and the Aceh Besar Regency Government, we are very grateful to the Aceh Regional Police and Banda Aceh Police for the assistance provided to our residents in Aceh Besar," he said.

"Once again, we thank you, and we pray that you always stay healthy and succeed in carrying out your duties," Iswanto concluded.

**Brief Biography of Tgk Hasyem**

M. Hasyem, also known as Tgk Hasyem, was a resident of Gampong Ladong, Mesjid Raya District, Aceh Besar, who worked as a Quran teacher in the area.

He was born in Lam Sie, Blang Bintang District, Aceh Besar, in 1938. While living in Lam Sie, he served as the village head (keuchik) for 4.5 years, from 1970 to 1974.

In 1970, Tgk Hasyem and his wife, Nyak Lambot, moved to Ladong and officially became local residents. It was there that he and his small family settled.

In his daily life, Tgk Hasyem was known as a friendly person and actively participated in various activities. He was also appointed as the Teungku Imeum of the Masjid Jami' Ladong village mosque.

Tgk Hasyem was actively involved in the mosque and other activities. Every Monday afternoon, he used to hold religious study sessions for parents and villagers at the village hall.

Eventually, he built an Islamic study center right in front of his modest stilt house and began teaching Quran lessons regularly to the village residents, especially children and teenagers.

In 2017, he suffered a stroke, which hindered his activities as a Quran teacher. On one hand, he needed to educate his students, while on the other, he had to undergo medical treatment.

Over time, Tgk Hasyem decided to donate his Islamic study center to one of the dayahs (Islamic boarding schools) in Gampong Blang Krueng, Baitussalam District, Aceh Besar.

This was done so that the Islamic study center could be beneficial for many people seeking knowledge, as well as serve as a charitable endowment in the hereafter.

On June 24, 2024, Tgk Hasyem passed away. His departure left the surrounding residents feeling a deep loss for a figure who had been so valuable to the community.

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