Central Sulawesi's Economic Growth Rate is the Second Highest in the Nation. - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Central Sulawesi's Economic Growth Rate is the Second Highest in the Nation.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023
WORLD.WARTAGLOBAL.id - Palu, The Director-General for Regional Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Restuardy Daud, representing the Minister of Home Affairs, attended the Central Sulawesi Provincial Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJPD) Consultation Meeting for 2025-2045 on Tuesday (11/04/2023).

The theme of the consultation meeting was "Accelerating Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Transformation Based on Leading Commodities Supported by Competitive Human Resources." This theme supports the Central Sulawesi RPJPD for 2024, which is "Accelerating Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Transformation."

Restuardy Daud conveyed some important points, including that regional development is a manifestation of the implementation of government affairs that have been delegated to regions as an integral part of national development.

"The macro indicator achievements are very encouraging, with economic growth reaching 15.17% after previously being at 11.7%. This is the second-highest economic growth rate nationally, and the highest in the Sulawesi region, even exceeding national economic growth. This high economic growth is accompanied by a decrease in the open unemployment rate to 3.0%, a poverty rate of 12.30%, a Gini ratio of 0.308, and a Human Development Index that has increased from 69.79 to 70.28," said Restuardy Daud.

The 2023 RKPD Coordination Meeting results, as a form of synchronization between the Initial RPJPD and the Central Sulawesi Provincial Medium-Term Development Plan for 2024, revealed 433 sub-activities with a total budget of IDR 992 billion that support national priority affairs, as well as 20 major project proposals with details of 5 proposals accommodated, 14 proposals further discussed, and 1 proposal rejected.

"We all know that Central Sulawesi Province has abundant natural resources potential, including potential mineral and mining resources, oil and gas potential, and mining potential. This potential needs to be developed to improve the economy and in order to realize the welfare of the people while paying attention to the continuity of the environment," Restuardy Daud added.

In addition, the development of renewable energy potential also needs attention. Central Sulawesi has a significant potential for hydroelectric power, geothermal energy, and alternative energy sources, such as Solar Home Systems (SHS) by utilizing high solar intensity since Central Sulawesi is crossed by the equator line.

Restuardy Daud added that in 2024, there will be simultaneous General Elections and Regional Head Elections. The success of the simultaneous elections requires support and roles from regional governments.

The regional government will also hold the RPJPD 2025-2045 Consultation Meeting in 2024. The RPJPD 2025-2045 will be a reference in the preparation of the Technocratic RPJMD 2025-2030 and for the candidates for regional heads in formulating visions and missions.

"The planning issue for 2024 development will be a foundation for the central government in the preparation and determination of the Presidential Regulation on the National Medium-Term Development Plan 2025-2029, as well as for the regional governments in the determination of the Regional Regulation on the RPJPD 2025-2045 and the preparation until the determination of the Regional Regulation on the RPJMD 2025-2030," explained Restuardy Daud.

In conclusion, Restuardy emphasized that the consultation meeting serves as a forum to gather aspirations and input from various stakeholders to deepen various solutive regional planning policy formulations for the issues and development challenges of 2024, in order to optimize the management of regional potentials as a strategic consideration in. (World*/)

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