Ferdy Sambo's Appeal Rejected: Death Penalty Verdict Upheld by Supreme Court. - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Ferdy Sambo's Appeal Rejected: Death Penalty Verdict Upheld by Supreme Court.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

WORLD.WARTAGLOBAL.id - On Tuesday, April 12th, 2023, the Supreme Court rejected the appeal filed by Ferdy Sambo, a defendant in a planned murder case who was previously sentenced to death by the High Court. The decision means that the death penalty verdict remains in place for Ferdy Sambo.

The case began in 2021 when Ferdy Sambo was arrested on suspicion of involvement in a planned murder of a successful entrepreneur named Antonius Tan. After a lengthy trial, the High Court finally ruled that Ferdy Sambo was guilty and sentenced him to death in October 2022.

However, Ferdy Sambo was not satisfied with the verdict and decided to appeal to the Supreme Court. In the appeal hearing, Ferdy Sambo and his legal team tried to challenge the evidence presented by the prosecutor and argued that Ferdy Sambo was not guilty of the murder charges.

Unfortunately, the arguments were unsuccessful in convincing the Supreme Court and the death penalty verdict against Ferdy Sambo was upheld. The decision shows that the Supreme Court has a strong conviction about Ferdy Sambo's guilt in the case and has decided to uphold the High Court's verdict.

In cases like this, court decisions are the result of testimony, evidence, and facts presented in court. Although the appeal hearing provides an opportunity for the defendant to correct any mistakes that may have occurred in the previous trial, the Supreme Court still upholds the principle that justice must be done and the truth must be revealed.

In murder cases, the death penalty is a very severe punishment. However, in many cases, it is the only appropriate punishment for the crime committed. With this verdict, it is hoped that it will serve as a warning to the community that committing crimes that harm others will never be accepted and will always be punished according to the severity of the crime committed. (Word*/)

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