Rupiah's Astonishing Rally: Reaches Rp14,600/US$ in a Blink of an Eye. - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Rupiah's Astonishing Rally: Reaches Rp14,600/US$ in a Blink of an Eye.

Friday, April 14, 2023 - Recently, Indonesia witnessed a miracle as the exchange rate of the Rupiah against the US Dollar (US$) skyrocketed in a very short period of time. In fact, in the blink of an eye, the Rupiah reached the level of Rp14,600/US$, which is the highest level in the past three years.

The strengthening of the Rupiah's exchange rate is due to several factors. One of them is Bank Indonesia's policy that managed to suppress inflation and maintain exchange rate stability. In addition, the increasing global demand for Indonesian commodities such as palm oil and coffee also contributed to the strengthening of the Rupiah.

The strengthening of the Rupiah has a positive impact on Indonesia's economy. Firstly, the decrease in import prices due to the strong exchange rate of the Rupiah can help to suppress inflation. Secondly, the more stable exchange rate of the Rupiah will also increase investor confidence in the Indonesian market.

However, the strengthening of the Rupiah also has negative effects. The strengthening of the Rupiah can make Indonesian exports more expensive, which can reduce the competitiveness of Indonesian products in the global market. In addition, the strengthening of the Rupiah can also trigger the outflow of foreign capital from Indonesia, which can have an impact on the stability of the Indonesian capital market.

Nevertheless, Bank Indonesia has stated that they will continue to monitor the development of the Rupiah's exchange rate and intervene if necessary. This is done to maintain the stability of Indonesia's financial market and prevent uncontrolled fluctuations.

Overall, the strengthening of the Rupiah's exchange rate against the US Dollar to Rp14,600/US$ is an event that attracts attention. Although there are positive and negative impacts, with proper management, the strengthening of the Rupiah can bring benefits to Indonesia's economy and strengthen Indonesia's position in the global market. (World*/)

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