Unidentified Individuals Attack Mosque and Police Station in Makassar. - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Unidentified Individuals Attack Mosque and Police Station in Makassar.

Friday, April 14, 2023

WORLD.WARTAGLOBAL.id - On the night of April 12th, 2023, a number of buildings in the city of Makassar, South Sulawesi, were attacked by unidentified individuals. A mosque and a police station were the main targets of the attack, which was carried out by around eight people wearing black clothing and helmets.

According to eyewitness reports, the perpetrators brought sharp weapons and rocks to damage the buildings and equipment inside. They smashed windows, doors, and equipment inside the mosque and police station. Some parts of the buildings also suffered severe damage.

Local police immediately launched an investigation to find out who the perpetrators were and what their motives were for the attack. As of now, no group or individual has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Meanwhile, local residents who witnessed the attack were shocked and frightened. They condemned this act of violence and urged the authorities to take appropriate action to prevent similar incidents from happening again in the future.

Several religious leaders and community leaders also condemned the attack and called on all parties to maintain peace and harmony in their areas. They stated that acts of violence like this cannot be accepted in civilized and fair-minded societies.

The attack in Makassar shows that there is still a threat to security and stability in Indonesia. Therefore, all parties must unite to fight against acts of violence and bring perpetrators to justice. We must prioritize peace and harmony among us and respect the differences and diversity in our society.

There can be no room for violence that destroys human values and harmony. Therefore, the government and society must work together to ensure security and stability throughout the country, and provide protection to all citizens from all forms of violence. (World*/)

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