Capture of Crypto Payment Business Disguised as Car Rental: Explanation by the Head of Public Relations of Bali Regional Police. - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Capture of Crypto Payment Business Disguised as Car Rental: Explanation by the Head of Public Relations of Bali Regional Police.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Bali, Indonesi, - The Bali Regional Police held a press conference at the lobby of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Ditreskrimsus), led by the Head of Public Relations, Commissioner Pol Satake Bayu S.I.K., M.Si., along with the Head of Public Information Subdivision, AKBP Ketut Eka Jaya S.Sos., M.H., and the Head of Cyber Crime Sub-Directorate of Ditreskrimsus, AKBP Nanang Prihasmoko S.T., S.H., M.H., on May 30, 2023.

The arrest chronology began with the viral news on online media stating that cryptocurrency was being used as a payment method in Bali. The Bali Regional Police's Cyber Crime Team conducted an investigation by browsing the internet to identify places suspected of using cryptocurrency as a payment method in Bali. It was found that several establishments such as cafes, car rentals, and properties were offering cryptocurrency as a payment method for transactions on their websites and social media platforms.

On May 28, 2023, an investigation was conducted on social media accounts in a Telegram group that posted promotional offers for motorbike and car rentals with cryptocurrency as the payment method, including the inclusion of contact numbers. The Bali Regional Police's Cyber Crime Team communicated with the suspects via WhatsApp, as provided in the Telegram group, and lured them into conducting a transaction. The suspects were asked to provide their USDT (United States Dollar Tether) wallet address, and they sent a photo of the USDT wallet barcode. The rental price for 3 days was agreed upon at $350 in USDT, and the team sent an initial down payment of $40 in USDT to the suspects' wallet address.

On May 29, around 12:00 PM local time, the arrest was made on Nuansa Barat IV Street, Taman Griya, Jimbaran, Badung, against the suspect identified as Mr. TS (a 33-year-old male, self-employed, residing in Jimbaran, Badung). After the team made a payment of $310 in USDT to the suspects' wallet address, the evidence was secured.

The suspect is charged with an offense under Article 33 paragraph (1) of the Indonesian Law No. 7 of 2011 concerning Currency, which states, "Any person who does not use the Indonesian Rupiah in a) any transaction that has a payment purpose, b) the settlement of other obligations that must be fulfilled with money, and/or c) other financial transactions as referred to in Article 33 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 21 paragraph (1) of the Indonesian Law No. 7 of 2011 concerning Currency, shall be punished with a maximum imprisonment of 1 (one) year and a maximum fine of IDR 200,000,000 (Two Hundred Million Rupiah)."

In light of this issue, the Bali Regional Police urges the public and businesses in Bali to comply with the applicable law and use the Indonesian Rupiah for every transaction. The Rupiah is the only official payment method in our country, Indonesia, stated Commissioner Satake. (NETTI)

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