Deputy Chief of Bali Regional Police Closes the 77th Bhayangkara Volleyball Championship. - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Deputy Chief of Bali Regional Police Closes the 77th Bhayangkara Volleyball Championship.

Monday, June 19, 2023 - Accompanied by senior officials of the Bali Regional Police, Deputy Chief of the Bali Regional Police, Brigadier General Pol. Drs. I Ketut Suardana, M.Si, witnessed and officially closed the final match of the "Kapolda Bali Cup 2023" volleyball championship at Ngurah Rai Sports Hall, Denpasar, on Monday (June 19, 2023).

This Volleyball Championship is one of several events organized by the Bali Regional Police in anticipation of the upcoming 77th Bhayangkara Day on July 1.

In this Volleyball Championship, the Bhayangkara Badung team emerged as the champion, followed by the Klungkung Regional Police team in second place, the Gianyar Panser team in third place, and the Denpasar Bhayangkara team in fourth place.

Brigadier General Pol. Drs. I Ketut Suardana, M.Si, expressed his gratitude and congratulations to the winning team and encouraged all volleyball athletes in Bali to continue practicing in order to achieve even greater success.

"I would like to thank all the participants who took part in this volleyball championship and the organizing committee for the successful event in commemoration of the 77th Bhayangkara Day," said Brigadier General Pol. Drs. I Ketut Suardana, M.Si.

"To the teams that did not succeed, keep practicing and aim for the best in the upcoming tournaments," concluded the Deputy Chief of the Bali Regional Police. (Red)

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