Anticipation of Violations by Foreign Nationals, Bali Regional Police Holds Pre-Operation Exercise for Nusa Agung-2023. - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Anticipation of Violations by Foreign Nationals, Bali Regional Police Holds Pre-Operation Exercise for Nusa Agung-2023.

Monday, June 19, 2023 - The misbehavior of foreign nationals (FNs) in Bali has been increasing and has attracted attention, especially with the proliferation of their viral behavior on social media.

Therefore, the Bali Regional Police will conduct a police operation codenamed Operation Nusa Agung-2023, aimed at implementing law and order to anticipate violations/crimes committed by FNs in order to achieve a safe and conducive security situation.

Operation Nusa Agung-2023 will be carried out for 16 days, starting from June 21 to July 6, 2023, within the jurisdiction of the Bali Regional Police.

Before the operation begins, a pre-operation exercise (pre-opex) will be conducted from June 19-20, 2023, with the aim of ensuring the smooth implementation of the operation.

The pre-operation exercise for Nusa Agung-2023 was opened by the Director of Criminal Investigation of the Bali Regional Police, Commissioner Police Surawan, S.I.K., who is also the Chief of Operation for Nusa Agung-2023. Also present was the Chief of Operations of the Bali Regional Police, Commissioner Police Nuryanto, S.I.K., M.Si., who serves as the Coordinator of Operations for Nusa Agung-2023.

In his address, the Director of Criminal Investigation of the Bali Regional Police stated the importance of this operation in order to regulate the behavior of misbehaving FNs in Bali for the security and comfort of everyone in Bali.

"The Indonesian National Police urges the public not to facilitate the misconduct of FNs while in Bali, which is contrary to visa permits or legal provisions," emphasized the Director of Criminal Investigation of the Bali Regional Police.

If FNs continue to engage in misbehavior in Bali, the individuals concerned will be deported to their home countries by the competent authorities.

"We hope that FNs always comply with existing regulations and behave well. We also ask the entire community to help remind and admonish FNs not to engage in prohibited actions. If any inappropriate behavior is encountered, it should be reported immediately to the authorities," concluded the Chief of Operations of the Bali Regional Police. (Netti)

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