Polda Bali is ready to secure the procession of the 9th Bali King's Perabuan Ceremony to Create a Conducive Situation. - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Polda Bali is ready to secure the procession of the 9th Bali King's Perabuan Ceremony to Create a Conducive Situation.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

WORLD.WARTAGLOBAL.id - Polda Bali is ready to secure the event of the Perabuan Ceremony of King Denpasar Ida Cokorde Ngurah Jambe Pemecutan. Bali Police Chief, Inspector General Pol Drs. Putu Jayan Danu Putra, SH, M.Sc, has deployed personnel with the hope that the event will run smoothly and peacefully. When contacted by the media via WhatsApp on Tuesday, May 20, 2023, at 17:00 WITA, the series of Perabuan ceremonies will begin at 00:00 WITA.

At 11:00 WITA, the body will descend from Puri Satria on Jalan Veteran Denpasar towards Catur Muka on Jalan GAJAH Mada Denpasar.

At 12:30 WITA, the body will be transported from Catur Muka to Setra Badung on Jalan Imambojol Denpasar.

Route: Puri Satria Jalan Veteran - Catur Muka - Jalan Udayanan in front of Kodam - Jalan Hasanudin - Pemecutan Intersection - Jalan Imambojol - Setra Badung Denpasar.

The Head of Public Relations of Polda Bali, Commissioner Pol Stefanus Satake Bayu, S.I.K, M.Sc., emphasized that the traffic management and security will be carried out openly and covertly, with the Polresta being supported by Polda Bali in terms of traffic engineering if congestion occurs based on the situation in the field. Other matters will be directly controlled by the Kapolresta, as stated by Satake Bayu. The public is advised to seek alternative routes to avoid road closures and traffic congestion. Hopefully, the 9th Ngaben Ceremony of the Bali King will proceed as expected.

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