Central Java Regional Police Reaffirms Commitment to Neutrality in the 2024 Simultaneous Elections. - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Central Java Regional Police Reaffirms Commitment to Neutrality in the 2024 Simultaneous Elections.

Thursday, July 27, 2023


WORLD.WARTAGLOBAL.id - The Central Java Regional Police once again emphasizes its commitment to the neutrality of its members in the upcoming elections. Strict sanctions await any police personnel found to be biased during each phase of the 2024 Simultaneous Elections and Regional Elections (Pilkada).

This statement was emphasized by the Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Regional Police, Commissioner Pol Stefanus Satake Bayu Setianto, in a press release at Mapolda Central Java on Thursday, July 27, 2023.

"The neutrality of the police is a constitutional mandate, as stated in the People's Consultative Assembly Decree Number VII / MPR / 2000 regarding the roles of the TNI (Indonesian National Armed Forces) and Polri (Indonesian National Police). Specifically, Article 10 concerns the participation of Polri in the state administration," he said.

The article states that Polri must remain neutral in political affairs and refrain from engaging in practical political activities (paragraph 1) and shall not be involved in any form of political endorsement (paragraph 2).

"This is also reinforced by Law Number 2 of 2002 concerning the Indonesian National Police, specifically in Article 28 paragraphs 1 and 2, which reaffirm the police's obligation to remain neutral in political matters and not engage in any form of endorsement," he added.

Maintaining the neutrality of Polri, he continued, is one of the priority programs of the Chief of Police (Kapolri) in achieving a precise and professional police force. This is outlined in Program Number 5 concerning Strengthening Performance in Maintaining Public Order, Activity Work Plan Number 18, and Action Plan on Guaranteeing Security and Neutrality of Polri in the Implementation of the 2024 Elections.

"Emphasizing and directing the importance of neutrality has been thoroughly and continuously disseminated to the ranks of Polres (district-level police) and Polsek (police precincts) within the Central Java Regional Police. This includes outlining the sanctions imposed on any Polri member found to have violated these principles or demonstrated bias in the elections," he stated firmly.

According to the Regulation of the Chief of Police Number 14 of 2011 concerning the Code of Ethics of the Indonesian National Police, there are various sanctions ranging from disciplinary actions to ethical codes for police officers who do not maintain neutrality in political matters.

"Any violations related to political neutrality by Polri members will be swiftly and firmly addressed," he emphasized.

Therefore, he urged the public not to doubt the neutrality of the police force, especially within the Central Java Regional Police, during the 2024 Simultaneous Elections.

"The commitment to neutrality is firmly upheld by all members of the Bhayangkara Corps," he concluded.

Author: Netti Herawati, SE

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