Ike Edwin Welcomes DPW SWI Lampung Visit: Journalists Encouraged as the Vanguard of Democracy. - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Ike Edwin Welcomes DPW SWI Lampung Visit: Journalists Encouraged as the Vanguard of Democracy.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

WORLD.WARTAGLOBAL.id - Ike Edwin, a prominent figure known for his commitment to democracy in Indonesia, warmly welcomed the Delegation of DPW SWI (Sekber Wartawan Indonesia) from Lampung Province to his residence. The meeting served as an important moment to discuss the role of journalists as the primary vanguards in strengthening democracy in the country.

During the spirited and cordial gathering, Ike Edwin emphasized the crucial role of journalists in delivering accurate and independent information. He expressed his hope that journalists would continue to uphold journalistic ethics, as their critical and objective role significantly impacts the development of democracy in Indonesia.

DPW SWI Lampung also demonstrated its commitment to improving the quality of journalism and upholding ethical standards. Bapk Isbat Usman, the Chairman of DPW SWI Lampung, who also holds the position of Treasurer of SWI Lampung, stated that their organization would continue to make positive contributions to society and the nation through the media.

"We are committed to supporting the development of democracy by upholding professionalism and ethical standards in the world of journalism. With accurate, independent, and balanced information, we believe the media can be a positive force for the progress of our nation," said Bapk Isbat Usman.

Also present at the meeting was the Chief of Warta Global, who provided encouragement and support to the Director of Warta Global, who also serves as the Chief Editor of Warta Global's investigative division and currently holds the mandate as SWI Lampung Treasurer. The collaboration among various parties is expected to strengthen the role of the media in bringing positive changes to society and the nation.

Ike Edwin appreciated the visit of DPW SWI Lampung and hoped that the meeting would mark the beginning of closer collaboration between the public, media, and relevant stakeholders in upholding democracy and leading Indonesia towards a brighter future. With unity and determination, all parties can work together to build a more advanced and just nation through responsible media freedom.

End of News. 

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