The Ngurahibari Immigration Department arrested 10 Chinese nationals for violating their residence permits - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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The Ngurahibari Immigration Department arrested 10 Chinese nationals for violating their residence permits

Friday, July 12, 2024

TPI Ngurah Rai Special Class I Immigration Bureau, Provincial Regional Bureau
Law, Human Rights 10 foreigners were arrested for allegedly violating their residence permits in Bali

Director General of Immigration Ngurah Rai Suchendra said a number of actions would be taken.
Many attacks on foreigners begin with reports from ordinary citizens undergoing immigration checks.
Ngurah Rai.
“We received reports from the public that there are villas in the South Kuta area.
A group of foreigners from China lived there and were suspected of committing crimes.
Misuse of residence permit. Based on this, the Immigration Information Enforcement Team:
(Interdakim) The Ngurah Rai Immigration Department then collected materials and information.
"Related to activities at the villa," explained Suhendra.
After receiving sufficient material, the team came on Thursday (11/7/2024).
The villa was under immigration control and 10 foreigners from China were found.
Carrying out activities that are not in accordance with the residence permit held.
“They are suspected of misusing their entry permits. We are currently investigating.
related to other immigration violations. The results of investigations in the field revealed this
Several laptops and smartphones. The team then secured all the foreigners with them
"We will submit the evidence to the Ngurah Rai Immigration for further investigation."

The foreigner is being held in the Ngurah Immigration Department detention room.
Rai and Denpasar immigration centers where police conducted thorough investigations
Ngurah Rai Immigration Check.
July 12, 2024.

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