Bali Police Chief Orders His Staff to Conduct Surprise Inspections of Bhayangkari Polda Bali's Social Media Accounts Trigger Poor Moral Ethics - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Bali Police Chief Orders His Staff to Conduct Surprise Inspections of Bhayangkari Polda Bali's Social Media Accounts Trigger Poor Moral Ethics

Saturday, August 3, 2024
It's Time to Stop Seeking Recognition from Social Media Believe in Yourself

What is social media recognition?
It's natural for us to want to be liked by others and want to have a community of friends. However, social media has changed the way we interact and build friendships.

Now, friendship and popularity are measured by the number of hearts, likes, comments, viewers, shares, and followers. Social feedback like this is used to measure the success of someone's posts and is ultimately used in someone's life. The more followers you have, the more popular you will be. The more people like your posts, the more 'famous' you will be.

So, we tend to publish content that people like. In fact, we post our photos and wait for others to respond. Sometimes, we are obsessed with checking our posts to see if anyone else has liked or commented on them. When we do this, we start to let social media become a form of recognition for us. You feel happier when you get more likes.

While the wife of the Chief of Police does not have a social media account.

The question is why did the police as husbands let that happen, what's wrong?

Still remember the wife of the Deputy Director of the Maluku Police who was involved in a crime, she should have been able to look in the mirror.

This is as quoted from the Johor General Hospital that there are indications of mental and mental disorders.

Where showing off when going to salons, hotels, cruises, posing as if a harmonious family also showing off expensive animals and their care, riding in a car with a style like the owner of the Police, even though it reflects poor morals and ethics.

In fact, there are still many Balinese people who are concerned about health, education and public services from the Police.

However, it must be remembered that social media posts are often made to show the best version. For example, a photo post of someone smiling on the beach looks like they are enjoying an expensive vacation, but in reality it is just a photo trick and not a real vacation. In this case, affirmations and recognition from social media can have many negative impacts on our mental health.

Here are some frequently asked questions about social media recognition and practical steps to overcome them.

In today’s world, feelings like jealousy, schadenfreude, fear of missing out (FOMO, as millennials call it) are very common due to the amount of time spent on social media. How can one consciously stop these feelings from taking over their lives? Is it possible to do so?
Yes, it is true that these feelings are common and harmful in our lives. First, one must accept the fact that they have such feelings. This is the first step to overcoming rejection and starting to address the issue. They must be aware of their expectations, individual goals, life goals, and responsibilities. Once they are aware of all these things, it becomes easy to move on.

Even when one is traveling, more time is spent trying to get the perfect shot to be liked by the majority of people, rather than actually enjoying the moment - is there a term for this behavior? From a psychological perspective, why do you think certain people are overly obsessed with the recognition they receive online?

Yes, it is indeed a recognition, which can come in many ways. For some people, it is important for them to get recognition from certain individuals or groups. This can be received especially through social media, where the number of likes or comments is very important.
The use of social media can be seen as a way to stay connected with their loved ones, which can be done privately, or shared publicly, which are behind different motives. The latter can have a negative impact on individuals who have low self-esteem and self-confidence. People who have high self-confidence are less negatively affected by social media than those who are less confident. By constantly comparing themselves to the seemingly perfect online “life”, low-confidence social media users can become more anxious or depressed about what others seem to have and what they do not. Feelings of jealousy due to not being able to measure up will only lead to feelings of low self-confidence and erode self-esteem. Each time you log in, you can take away a little more of the good feelings that you might have had.

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