Police Hand Over Two Suspects in Forest Encroachment Case and One Suspect in Online Gambling Case to Prosecutors - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Police Hand Over Two Suspects in Forest Encroachment Case and One Suspect in Online Gambling Case to Prosecutors

Monday, August 19, 2024
Blangkejeren — Investigators from the Gayo Lues Police Criminal Investigation Unit handed over two suspects involved in forest encroachment and one suspect in an online gambling case, along with evidence, to the Gayo Lues District Attorney's Office on Monday, August 19, 2024.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, Iptu M Abidinsyah, stated that the handover of the suspects marked the second phase in the police legal process. This phase follows the declaration by the prosecutor that the case files are complete, or P21.

Abidinsyah detailed that the two suspects in the forest encroachment case are ST (28) and MM (24), while the online gambling suspect is SB (38).

"We have handed over three suspects to the prosecutor from two cases that have been declared P21. Along with them, we also handed over evidence, including two chainsaws, one chainsaw blade, one chainsaw chain, and one mobile phone," said Abidinsyah in a statement on Tuesday, August 20, 2024.

He concluded by emphasizing that the enforcement and legal actions taken by his team in these cases were conducted in accordance with the Police Chief's Precision Program Commander Wish No. 6, which focuses on enhancing the performance of law enforcement.

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