"Historic Ceremony: Inauguration and Swearing-In of New Head of Bhayangkara Regional Hospital III, Biddokkes Polda Bali" - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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"Historic Ceremony: Inauguration and Swearing-In of New Head of Bhayangkara Regional Hospital III, Biddokkes Polda Bali"

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Denpasar - A solemn and historic atmosphere was felt at the Bhayangkara Regional Hospital (RS Bhayangkara) in Denpasar, Bali, as the inauguration and swearing-in ceremony for the new Head of the Hospital took place at the Prasanti Rucita Grihasta Building. This special moment occurred on Monday, August 14, 2023.

Amidst the meaningful ambiance, Kabiddokkes of Polda Bali, Commissioner Pol. dr. Komang Nurada Mahardana, Sp.THT-KL, led the event with great solemnity as the Inspector of the Ceremony. On this occasion, AKBP dr. M. Faizal Zulkarnaen, Sp.KF., M.H.Kes., was officially inaugurated and took the oath of office as the Head of Bhayangkara Regional Hospital III, Biddokkes Polda Bali. The event was also attended by the Acting Head of Bhayangkara Denpasar Regional Hospital, AKBP dr. I Nyoman Gustama M.M, and several high-ranking officials from Biddokkes and Bhayangkara Regional Hospital III, Biddokkes Polda Bali.

Following the inauguration moment, a warm and friendly atmosphere prevailed during the interaction between new and existing officials. Kabiddokkes Polda Bali expressed immense appreciation to AKBP dr. I Nyoman Gustama M.M for his dedication and achievements while serving as the Acting Head at RS Bhayangkara Denpasar. Meanwhile, the new Head of Bhayangkara Regional Hospital, Kabiddokkes Polda Bali, extended congratulations and a shared commitment to the development of Biddokkes Polda Bali.

The camaraderie session was also enlivened by the presence of Iwan Teguh Setiawan, S.T., M.A., the Head of the State Treasury Service Office (KPPN) in Denpasar, who is also a member of the supervisory board. Specialized doctors and personnel from Biddokkes Polda Bali and RS Bhayangkara Denpasar were also in attendance.

The pinnacle of the event was reached with the presentation of mementos to AKBP dr. I Nyoman Gustama M.M as a token of appreciation for his contributions, and the conveyance of congratulations to the new Head of the Hospital, AKBP dr. M. Faizal Zulkarnaen, Sp.KF., M.H.Kes., from all participants and invited guests. Through this occasion, Bhayangkara Regional Hospital III, Biddokkes Polda Bali, solidified its commitment to shared values in service and aimed to bring about remarkable success and progress for Biddokkes Polda Bali.


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