Police accompany Rohingya ethnic group as they begin testifying in the Jantho District Court - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Police accompany Rohingya ethnic group as they begin testifying in the Jantho District Court

Wednesday, March 6, 2024
The trial for the People Smuggling case involving 137 Rohingya individuals commenced at the Jantho District Court in Aceh Besar on Wednesday, March 6, 2024.

In this matter, the Public Prosecutor requested the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Banda Aceh Regional Police to bring forth witnesses who were victims of People Smuggling.

Banda Aceh Regional Police Chief, Commissioner Pol Fahmi Irwan Ramli, conveyed through the Criminal Investigation Unit Chief, Commissioner Fadillah Aditiya Pratama, stating, "Today, we are accompanying the presence of Rohingya witnesses in the human smuggling case."

"We have brought in 10 Rohingya individuals as witnesses in the human smuggling case involving the Captain of the ship MA, Deputy Captain of the ship MAH, and Technician of the ship HB" explained Fadillah.

The police presence aims to ensure the safety of the witnesses as they provide statements to the Public Prosecutor, he added.

In a criminal case, the presence of witnesses is crucial. A witness can provide information that is valuable for investigation, prosecution, and court proceedings, Fadillah continued.

After providing their statements, we will, of course, return or escort them back to the Meuseuraya Aceh Building to reunite with other Rohingya individuals, he concluded.

Roles of MA, MAH, and HB in the Human Smuggling Case

The Banda Aceh Regional Police have identified Rohingya refugee MA (35), who landed in Aceh Besar, as a suspect in human smuggling. He transported 136 people to Tanah Rencong, each paying between Rp 14 million to Rp 16 million.

Upon investigation, it was revealed that MA brought the 136 refugees from a shelter in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh.

Meanwhile, Deputy Captain of the ship MAH and Technician of the ship HB have also been designated as suspects for their roles in assisting MA during the smuggling operation, he concluded.

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