Indonesian Journalist Speaks Out: Have Journalists Lost Their Identity, Ashamed of Using Their Own Media IDs or Part of Cheap Tricks - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Indonesian Journalist Speaks Out: Have Journalists Lost Their Identity, Ashamed of Using Their Own Media IDs or Part of Cheap Tricks

Friday, December 20, 2024

Many journalists never use IDs when on duty in their journalism, especially investigations, it is very surprising that this raises public questions whether they are embarrassed or intentionally so that their media is not indicated! I hope that the head of the Press organization, the Head of the Press Media Company in Indonesia will provide measurable guidance regarding the discipline of journalists in the field because it can be fatal and detrimental to the community in the form of accountability. In order to increase the value of the Press Media that the Press Media is not a pet dog or an order.

The form of sanctions for journalists who do not use an identity card (ID) or do not show their identity as journalists when carrying out journalistic duties can vary depending on the context and applicable regulations. Here are some possible sanctions:

Laws and Regulations
1. * Article 5 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning the Press *: Journalists must show their identity cards and state their name and the press institution they own.
2. * Journalistic Code of Ethics *: Journalists must respect the rights and interests of the public and maintain integrity and professionalism.

1. *Warning*: From the editorial team or press institution.
2. *Dismissal*: From the press institution.
3. *License cancellation*: From the Press Council.
4. *Lawsuit*: From the party who feels aggrieved.
5. *Loss of trust*: From the public and news sources.

Administrative Sanctions
1. *Temporary suspension*: From journalistic duties.
2. *Salary reduction*: Or allowances.
3. *Definitive suspension*: From the press institution.

Steps to be taken
1. *Use an identity card*: When conducting interviews or coverage.
2. *Mention name and institution*: When conducting interviews.
3. *Respect journalistic code of ethics*: When carrying out journalistic duties.
4. *Follow press institution regulations*: And the Press Council.


1. Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning the Press.
2. Journalistic Code of Ethics.
3. Press Council Regulation.
4. Indonesian Press Union (SPRI)

Sanctions for journalists who do not use official identification (ID) or do not show their identity while working, include:

Law and Ethics
1. *Violation of Journalistic Code of Ethics*: Journalists violate the code of ethics and standards of professionalism.
2. *Temporary Suspension or Dismissal*: Journalists can be temporarily suspended or fired by the media company.
3. *Revocation of Work Permit*: Journalists can lose their work permit from the media company or related institution.

1. *Article 5 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 40 of 1999*: Journalists are required to show their identity when carrying out journalistic work.
2. *Article 15 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 40 of 1999*: Violations of journalistic ethics can be subject to administrative sanctions.

Other Sanctions
1. *Termination of Access to Information*: Information sources can refuse to provide information.

2. *Loss of Trust*: The public and information sources lose trust in journalists.

3. *Legal Claims*: Journalists can be faced with legal claims if they violate the rights of others.

- Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning the Press
- Press Council Journalistic Code of Ethics
- Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information concerning Journalist Behavior Standards.

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