Drivers Across Sumatra and Java Face Dangers: Rock Throwing and Robbery on the Westbound Road - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Drivers Across Sumatra and Java Face Dangers: Rock Throwing and Robbery on the Westbound Road

Saturday, April 8, 2023 - A travel driver who drives across Sumatra, Java, Bengkulu, and Wonogiri complained about the safety and comfort of the westbound road due to frequent rock throwing incidents in the border areas of Pringsewu and the west coast during the night journey, in particular.

The chronology of the incident began in Tanggamus regency when there was a near-collision between the driver's car and an old Vario motorbike without a black and white license plate, which was allegedly driven by two drunken young men. The motorcycle swerved and almost hit the car, which startled the driver, but fortunately, no accidents occurred.

"However, unexpectedly, the motorcycle chased the car until it entered Pringsewu regency, where it stopped in front of the car, took a stone, and threw it at the car's window, causing it to break. The shattered glass hit one of the passengers on the left side, causing injury to their leg.

"We, the drivers who often experience accidents due to rock throwing and robberies in that area, suspect that the perpetrators are underage children who frequently extort money from drivers on the westbound road," he said.

"I, along with my fellow drivers who happen to be driving a Hilux vehicle, often experience rock throwing and robberies in the middle of the road in the Tanggamus regency," he explained.

"We, the drivers of the Sumatra-Java cross-country travel, including those from Wonogiri and Bengkulu, hope that law enforcement authorities in the area will frequently patrol the area to ensure that the drivers who pass through feel safe and comfortable. (World*/)

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