Navigating Change: Embracing the Transformative Journey to Organizational Success. - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Navigating Change: Embracing the Transformative Journey to Organizational Success.

Thursday, June 15, 2023 - Who says change is worrisome? Change never knows the word "finished." Anyone who refuses to change will be overturned by the change itself because that's the rule of this world. The life and future of an organization depend greatly on one word: willingness to change. For those who enjoy challenges, change is positioned as a real necessity that must be embraced. Change is actually beautiful and fascinating, so there's no need to worry or avoid it; instead, it should be enjoyed. Why? Because there is an art and science to managing change optimally. That's where the potential for creativity in innovation lies. Despite experiencing ups and downs, fluctuating performance, a businessperson must always remain optimistic.

Business practitioners, especially managers, often get caught up in routine Human Resources issues in the field. We don't know what will happen in the world, but what we do know is that the world will be completely different from the current state. The world will move faster. In this global era, every organization is expected to be adaptive to the rapidly changing business environment that is difficult to anticipate. There are many forces driving the need for organizations to change. First, internal forces. The force for change originates from within the organization, such as Human Resources issues and managerial behavior or decisions. Second, external forces, which come from outside the organization. External forces that have an influence on change include demographic characteristics, technological advancements, market changes, social pressure, and politics.

To achieve the success of organizational change programs, every employee must be ready and capable of changing their behavior to adapt to the demands of change. The organizational environment influences employee behavior, whether through rewarding desired behavior or correcting undesirable behavior. It depends largely on what influences behavior and what drives someone to change. Internal factors that are believed to influence employee behavior change include knowledge, skills, beliefs/attitudes, environment, and the company's vision. Meanwhile, the driving factors for someone to change are the opportunity to gain real benefits or avoid personal losses. Individuals fear change because they lack the competence to change. When individuals want to change their behavior, group norms often become barriers. Changes that occur within an organization often threaten the privileged position of a group that possesses certain expertise. Groups within an organization that have control or authority to allocate resources in a larger proportion often perceive change as a threat, leading them to resist it. In this case, companies must have a high sensitivity to change.

All aspects related to change need to be considered conceptually. Change should be specific, whether related to individual changes, efficient work technique changes, or overall organizational changes. The concept of change must be clear in its background and the reasons why it should be done, and it should be translated operationally. As much as possible, involve internal and external stakeholders to obtain a shared understanding.

The initial stage in the change process is to create motivation for change. Individuals are motivated to leave behind their old attitudes and behaviors and adopt new ones desired by the organization. In the next stage, change is stabilized by helping employees integrate the changed attitudes and behaviors into their new normal ways of taking action. The change process always involves learning, so employees need to be equipped with new information, behaviors, and approaches. Change is a continuous learning process and not a one-time event. The targets of change need to be explicitly stated.

Regardless of the scope and target of each change, senior management must be committed to what has been agreed upon by the company and stakeholders. Quality workgroups will not succeed if there is no commitment from senior managers. Every change, whether related to knowledge, skills, attitudes-beliefs, goal changes, or the environment, needs to be deeply understood before the change process begins. For example, when knowledge and technology advance, it is reasonable for every business practitioner to be driven to adjust their mission, goals, and business strategies. They see change as meaningful, indicating an opportunity for progress. If they fail to make adjustments, they will be left behind or even overwhelmed by the change itself.

Understanding the implications of change primarily needs to come from senior management. If an organization fails to initiate change, it will ultimately lead to its downfall, especially in highly competitive environments. Therefore, it is crucial for the organization you lead to adopt a proactive attitude towards change.

The first step is to acknowledge that change is inevitable and can bring benefits to the organization. Change should not be feared or avoided but approached with a positive mindset. Change can open new opportunities, enhance competitiveness, and improve organizational efficiency and performance.

Furthermore, senior management plays a crucial role in leading change. They must have a clear vision of the desired direction of change and effectively communicate it to all members of the organization. By ensuring that every employee understands the reasons and benefits of the change, they will be more open and prepared to adapt.

In addition, involving internal and external stakeholders is essential. They can provide diverse perspectives and support the implemented changes. Effective communication with stakeholders can minimize resistance and build strong support.

During the change process, it is important to provide training and development to employees so that they can acquire the new skills and knowledge required in the evolving environment. Additionally, change management should be carried out gradually and systematically, considering its impact on individuals, teams, and the entire organization.

Finally, senior management must ensure a strong commitment to the agreed-upon changes. This involves fostering an organizational culture that supports change, rewarding desired behaviors, and effectively addressing any resistance or obstacles that may arise.

When facing change, remember that the initial steps you take will influence the final outcome. By adopting a proactive approach, leading with a clear vision, involving stakeholders, providing support and training to employees, and maintaining commitment to change, the organization you lead has a greater chance of success and growth amidst ongoing change. Best of luck to your organization in achieving tremendous success.

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