Confessed Thief Robert Chen is on the run from the police - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Confessed Thief Robert Chen is on the run from the police

Monday, April 29, 2024

WordWartaGlobal. Id
On 31 May 2023, Bali was shocked by a robbery involving Robert Chen, General Manager of RivaReno Jakarta, along with 50 accomplices. They are suspected of being the perpetrators of the robbery of the luxury Leonardo Gelato ice cream shop in Seminyak with losses of up to 10 billion rupiah.

The thieves used 6 trucks and 1 forklift to transport the stolen goods to the RivaReno warehouse in Jakarta. However, the Bali Police quickly responded and arrested Rivareno's general manager Robert Chen and his gang members. However, the Bali Police took a surprising decision by releasing the confessed criminal Robert Chen just a few days after his arrest on 1 June 2023. This decision was considered very odd and a red flag for corruption because usually the release process takes months and requires very strict conditions.

Currently, the Bali Regional Police are trying to find the whereabouts of Robert Chen, who is not cooperating with them, who was supposed to be handed over to the High Prosecutor's Office (Kejaksaan Tinggi Renon) on 25 March 2023. 

However, his whereabouts are currently unknown after he admitted that he had Covid. Last year, his lawyer, Andrew Sutedja, admitted that Robert Chen was ordered by Evianne Tantono to commit the organised theft.

Now the lawyer admitted that his client, Robert Chen, was ill and could not appear at the Regional Police (POLDA) on the appointed date. However, when the Regional Police (POLDA) tried to confirm his whereabouts, Robert Chen had disappeared without a trace, leaving a big question: was he really sick or just pretending? Did he escape Bali or did he leave Indonesia for Malaysia, the country of his Malaysian employer and owner of Rivareno Jakarta Chong Wai Thoong, the husband of Evianne Tantono? 

Leonardo Gelato has offered a substantial reward for information leading to the arrest of Robert Chen, which will be duly awarded upon providing credible tips regarding his whereabouts. Soon an international search warrant with Interpol will be initiated by the legal team of owner of Leonardo Gelato.

In the midst of the darkness of this case, the Bali Police claim to continue to dig up further clues to find out Robert Chen's whereabouts and provide justice for the people who have suffered losses as a result of this organized crime. However, whether they will succeed in finding Robert Chen is a big question mark. This is another red flag for corruption. In accordance with Indonesian law the police should arrest criminals when ordered by the public prosecutor.

This tragedy reveals the integrity of law enforcement in Indonesia and in this specific case the total lack of justice. 

Are we really safe from criminals if the police are no longer willing to protect us citizens against self-confessed thieves?

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