JAKARTA - Throughout the first semester of 2024, the Directorate General (DG) of Immigration
has implemented immigration administrative measures (TAK) against 2,041 citizens
foreign countries (foreigners).
This number increased by 75.19% compared to the number of TAK in
semester I of 2023, which is around 1165 TAK.
"There are 2,041 foreigners who we have given administrative sanctions (TAK). Of these, 1503
"of which, or around 73.64%, is a deportation sanction," explained the Director
Immigration General, Silmy Karim.
Silmy explained further that there are various forms of TAK. Among them
can take the form of inclusion in the Prevention or Deterrence list, restrictions,
change, or cancellation of a residence permit prohibition to be in one or several
certain places in the Indonesian Territory, it is mandatory to reside there
certain places in the Indonesian Territory.
Imposition of burden costs and/or deportation from
Indonesian Territory.
Meanwhile, deportation is the most common immigration sanction
given to foreigners. Deportations account for 73.64% of the total
the number of TAK in the first six months of 2024 where there were 1,503 people
foreigners deported from Indonesia.
This number has increased by 135.21%
compared to the first semester of 2023 where as many foreigners were deported
639 people.
The Bogor, Soekarno-Hatta and Batam Immigration Offices are the three immigration offices
recorded the highest TAK giving throughout the first semester of 2024. 136 TAK
registered by the Bogor Immigration Office, followed by the Soekarno-Hatta Immigration Office as many as
124 TAK and Batam as much as 118 TAK.
"There is a trend of increasing arrivals of foreigners to Indonesia in the first semester of 2024.
"We must respond to this with greater vigilance towards their activities,"
said Silmy.
The Directorate General of Immigration carried out the "Jagratara" surveillance operation which netted 914 people
foreigner last May. Followed by the Bali Becik operation in June where there were 103 people
foreigner suspected of being part of a cyber crime network arrested.
“We are intensifying operations, both on a local and national scale. This is our effort in
contribute to national security while providing a deterrent effect
"immigration violations can be minimized," concluded Silmy.
08 July 2024.
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