Warta global Bali.id
Bali 3/9/2024
Related to the implementation of the 2024 Student National Journalist Competition in 38 provinces in Indonesia, the host for this activity as a representative of the province of Bali is Warmadewa University.
This activity is fully supported by BNPT, Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, 38 Kesbangpol, Dikti, etc.
To ensure the smooth running and success of this event, National Journalists collaborate with Bali Regional Students and Warmadewa University.
The activity is planned to be held on October 30-31, 2024
In preparing for this Competition, the partner of the Bali Provincial National Unity and Politics Agency is Warmadewa University in this case as the Chancellor of Warmadewa University (Unwar), Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Suranaya Pandit, MP., and Dr. Anak Agung Putu Sugiantiningsih, S.IP., M.AP. as the PIC of the Higher Education Coordinator.
The Rector of Warmadewa Gede Surabaya Pandit also hopes that this event can create a campus as a role model, freedom to write, aspirations, so that students are able to create positive creative innovations for the nation and state.
Where students are the golden generation, said Pandit
"We have made an agreement at the meeting on 1/9/2024 in the rector's room. And the results of the agreement are that the Rector fully appreciates the competition with the hope that National Journalists are the aspirations of the younger generation in writing and re-growing national values," said Netti Herawati, S.E., M.B.A as the Chairperson of the Bali Province National Journalist Coordinator.
The competitions are writing articles and photo competitions.
As well as the Loncing of the NKRI digital shop later.
"It is hoped that this campus will become a role model for National Journalists," concluded Netti
In this case, the role of National Journalists is very important for the country, especially since the digital era provides easy access to work.
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