Police Officer's Son Assaults University Student: Outrage Ensues on Social Media - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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Police Officer's Son Assaults University Student: Outrage Ensues on Social Media

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

WORLD.WARTAGLOBAL.id - Recently, social media has been buzzing with a viral video that shows a police officer's son assaulting a university student. In the video, the perpetrator identified as AH, who is the son of AKBP Achiruddin Hasibuan, a police officer in North Sumatra Regional Police (Polda Sumut), is seen committing an act of violence against Ken Admiral, the victimized student.

This case has caught the attention of the public as it highlights actions that are not in line with the ethics of a police officer, who should protect and safeguard the public. As public servants, the police are expected to uphold the values of justice and professionalism in carrying out their duties.

The viral video shows AH attacking Ken Admiral with his bare hands. AH is suspected of having committed acts of violence against Ken Admiral for reasons that are still unclear. The video serves as strong evidence that the act of violence did occur and cannot be justified.

Many people have condemned AH's actions in assaulting the student. The case has garnered attention on social media and among the wider community, who are demanding swift action from the police in following up on this case. Acts of violence by law enforcement against civilians must be dealt with firmly so that the public feels safe and secure.

Polda Sumatera Utara has responded to the case by forming a special team to investigate and gather evidence related to the case. AKBP Achiruddin Hasibuan, as the perpetrator's parent, has also issued a statement that he will allow the legal process to proceed fairly and transparently.

Acts of violence like those committed by AH are unacceptable in a civilized society. This case also emphasizes the importance of openness and transparency in law enforcement to prevent loss of public trust in law enforcement agencies. All parties must work together to resolve this case fairly and provide justice for all parties involved. (World*/)

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