The Tim Puslitbang Polri is conducting research in the Aceh Regional Police to ensure that the Korlantas Digital Application complies with the MPTIK standards - WARTA GLOBAL WORLD

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The Tim Puslitbang Polri is conducting research in the Aceh Regional Police to ensure that the Korlantas Digital Application complies with the MPTIK standards

Monday, February 26, 2024
Banda Aceh — The Central Research and Development Team (Puslitbang) of the Indonesian National Police conducted supervision and research at the Traffic Directorate of the Aceh Regional Police and five Traffic Units in the subordinate Police Resorts on Monday, February 26, 2024.

Led by Brigadier General Iswyoto Agoeng Lesmana Doeta, the team will carry out this supervision and research in the Aceh Regional Police area for five days, from February 25 to 29, 2024. The research is focused on evaluating the quality of the Digital Traffic Corps (Korlantas) application of the Indonesian National Police, aiming to support police tasks in strengthening public services.

The Director of Traffic at the Aceh Regional Police, Commissioner M Iqbal Alqudusy, stated that the arrival of the team from the Central Research and Development was for the purpose of supervision and research in the Aceh Regional Police area and its precincts over the course of five days.

Iqbal explained that the objective of the supervision and research is to determine and analyze whether the deployed Digital Korlantas application complies with the standards set by the Master Plan for Information and Communication Technology (MPTIK) of the Indonesian National Police.

"The Puslitbang team aims to assess whether the Digital Korlantas application is effective in providing speed, convenience, flexibility, and transparency in services to the public," said M Iqbal.

He also conveyed that the research methodology employed by the Puslitbang team includes online questionnaire submissions, in-depth interviews, checking and observing the deployed applications in regional units, as well as documenting and publishing the activities.

In addition to the Traffic Directorate of the Aceh Regional Police, the Puslitbang Police team will also conduct supervision and research in five Traffic Units of the Regional Police precincts, namely in Banda Aceh, Pidie, Pidie Jaya Bireuen, and Lhokseumawe.

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